HK 190528 0118 Web

Kirstine Roepstorff



Darkness can be many things. First of all, it is a physical phenomenon, the absence of light. With regard to the human psyche though, it conjures up numerous associations: We connect it with the subconscious, with the unfathomable, with feelings of fear and insecurity; as a metaphor, it essentially represents the eerie, the mystical, and death. However, during the months of summer at Museum Haus Konstruktiv, Danish artist Kirstine Roepstorff will demonstrate that darkness can also enable a new way of looking at something existent, and signify an exploration of the perceptible.

curated by Sabine Schaschl


With generous support from:
ewz – Elektrizitätswerk der Stadt Zürich

Additional support from:
Danish Arts Foundation
AXA ART Versicherung AG

Museum Haus Konstruktiv is supported by its patrons, members and

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